Monday, December 2, 2024

My religious journey

 A Journey of Faith and Tradition

I grew up in a home shaped by Mexican culture and Catholic traditions, though my parents weren’t particularly devoted Catholics. They were more like “weekend Catholics,” attending Mass mainly on special occasions like Easter or Christmas. Their faith was more of a cultural backdrop than a guiding force in our everyday lives. However, when it came to my education, they decided to move me to a Catholic school in third grade—not because of religious devotion, but for safety and a sense of structure.

At the Catholic school, my relationship with the church grew deeper. I became an altar boy, a role that made me feel more involved in our faith community. I served during Mass, assisting the priest with communion, and I also volunteered at church events, including Bingo nights—a staple of parish life. These moments weren’t just about responsibility; they were filled with camaraderie and a sense of purpose.

Then, at the age of 13, my grandmother, a Protestant, passed away in Mexico. My mother, who had been by her side during her final days, experienced a profound spiritual awakening. My grandmother’s dying wish was for my mom to leave Catholicism behind and embrace Protestantism, and my mom took this to heart. She returned home transformed, describing how she felt the Spirit possess her during a worship service, even speaking in tongues with phrases like “alabasea, alabasea, alabasa.” To me, this was strange and repetitive, but I didn’t question it much—I was a teenager more preoccupied with sports and girls than theological debates.

My mom’s transformation changed our family dynamic drastically. Social gatherings disappeared, my dad grew increasingly impatient, and discipline at home became harsher. This tension pushed me closer to my mom, who brought me along to her church events. While I enjoyed the cultural potlucks, I couldn’t ignore the odd rituals like speaking in tongues and being “possessed by the Spirit.” My skepticism about these practices grew, but so did my deeper spiritual curiosity.

By the time I was 17, I started asking questions that went beyond the rituals and doctrines. I’ve always loved history, especially the history of Mexico—the Aztecs, the Mayas, and other great civilizations that thrived long before Christianity reached the Americas. One question nagged at me: If God and Christ loved all their children equally, why did they only visit the Old World, the East? Why were the people of the Americas left untouched by their teachings for centuries? To me, this felt profoundly unfair. The idea of a loving, omnipresent God seemed at odds with the historical reality of thousands of people in the Americas—His children, too—who were never given the same opportunities for divine connection.

At the same time, I continued to witness practices in the Protestant churches that didn’t sit right with me. The speaking in tongues, the dramatic "passing out in the Spirit," and the chaotic, emotional displays left me more skeptical than inspired. These doubts, combined with my historical questions, became the foundation of a personal journey—one where I wasn’t content to simply accept what I was told but felt compelled to seek answers on my own terms.

By the time I was in high school, my spiritual journey took an unexpected turn. I met a girl who had a particular glow about her. She always smiled and radiated kindness, not just toward me but to everyone around her. My attraction to her wasn’t purely physical—it was something deeper, something intangible. As someone who had always been the shortest and shyest person in my classes, from kindergarten to high school, approaching her felt like a monumental challenge. But for once, I mustered the courage to talk to her.

We started talking and, before long, I visited her home. That’s when I noticed something extraordinary: her entire family seemed to share the same heartwarming glow. Her mom, her dad, her siblings—all of them exuded a sense of peace and happiness that felt almost magnetic. I couldn’t pinpoint why I was so drawn to them. Was it because of the growing tension in my own home, where my mom and dad’s clashing beliefs had created a turbulent environment? Or was it simple curiosity—a need to understand what made this family seem so genuinely content?

Our conversations deepened, and I found myself sharing my thoughts and questions about religion. I told her about the Protestant practices that unsettled me, my historical questions about God’s fairness, and my struggle to reconcile the different beliefs I’d encountered. She listened patiently, never judgmental, and then one day, she asked me a question that would change everything:

“Would you be interested in meeting full-time missionaries? They can answer all your questions.”

Without hesitation, I said yes.

A Journey of Faith and Curiosity

By the time I was in high school, my spiritual journey took an unexpected turn. I met a girl who had a particular glow about her. She always smiled and radiated kindness, not just toward me but to everyone around her. My attraction to her wasn’t purely physical—it was something deeper, something intangible. As someone who had always been the shortest and shyest person in my classes, from kindergarten to high school, approaching her felt like a monumental challenge. But for once, I mustered the courage to talk to her.

We started talking and, before long, I visited her home. That’s when I noticed something extraordinary: her entire family seemed to share the same heartwarming glow. Her mom, her dad, her siblings—all of them exuded a sense of peace and happiness that felt almost magnetic. I couldn’t pinpoint why I was so drawn to them. Was it because of the growing tension in my own home, where my mom and dad’s clashing beliefs had created a turbulent environment? Or was it simple curiosity—a need to understand what made this family seem so genuinely content?

Our conversations deepened, and I found myself sharing my thoughts and questions about religion. I told her about the Protestant practices that unsettled me, my historical questions about God’s fairness, and my struggle to reconcile the different beliefs I’d encountered. She listened patiently, never judgmental, and then one day, she asked me a question that would change everything:

“Would you be interested in meeting full-time missionaries? They can answer all your questions.”

Without hesitation, I said yes.

The day finally came. As I waited nervously, two young men approached me, each wearing a white shirt with a black plaque neatly pinned to their chest. The plaques read: Elder Walker and Elder Rodriguez of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

To my surprise, they looked like they were only a year or two older than me. Yet, like the girl and her family, they carried themselves with the same warmth, radiating kindness and wearing ear-to-ear smiles that felt disarming. As we began talking, I learned something that made me even more intrigued: these two had left the comfort of their homes, put college on hold, and said goodbye to their friends and girlfriends to travel to distant cities—just to preach the gospel to potential skeptics like me.

I couldn’t help but admire their conviction and sacrifice. What kind of faith could inspire such dedication in people so young? This wasn’t just about theology anymore—it was about understanding what made them willing to step away from everything familiar and comfortable.

Now, I was truly intrigued.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A new promise...a new eternal beginning


Temples and the covenants made within the temple have been done since the time of Moses in the Old Testament.

Doctrine and Covenants 95

8 Yea, verily I say unto you, I gave unto you a commandment that you should build a house, in the which house I design to endow those whom I have chosen with power from on high;

"All those who have made a covenant with God have access to a special kind of love and mercy."

“The supreme benefits of membership in the Church can only be realized only through the exalting ordinances of the temple. These blessings qualify us for “thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers” in the celestial kingdom.”

President Russell M. Nelson

Both Men and Women are blessed to become Kings and Queens, Priests and Priestesses. These are blessings and callings that we receive as we receive endowments and are faithful throughout our lives observing the commandments and gospel principles of our Lord.

In the temple you will be washed and anointed by a woman.. this is one of the instances in which women within the church are exercising priesthood power.

“Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell.”
~Brigham Young

Special blessing once you receive your endowments.

1. Power to be endowed with spiritual gifts.

2. Power to become the elect of God.

3. Power to become exalted.

1. Power to be endowed with spiritual gifts.

Through temple ordinances and covenants, in this life we are promised spiritual power; power to receive revelation (“the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”); power to call upon the heavens and have them hear us (“to have the heavens opened unto them”); power to have the promised ministering of angels to help us (“to commune with the general assembly and church of the Firstborn”); power to truly come to know our Savior, Jesus Christ, and God our Father and to have a personal relationship with them (“enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the mediator of the new covenant”).

 Through the endowment we are promised power in this life to perform marvelous works and miracles beyond our own abilities;1 power to discern truth from error;2 power to more deeply understand God’s purposes and plans for His children, individually and collectively; power to have increased hope and peace in the midst of the daily demands and difficulties of life.

Doctrine and Covenants 38

32 Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to the Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;

2. Power to become the elect of God.

With so many in the world who are confused about their identity and purpose, as we enter into and follow the holy covenant order of God, we will see more clearly the true purposes of mortality. As we comprehend this exalted vision, we will taste the love of God and be filled with the great gift of charity. As we experience the love of God, we will naturally want to share that love with others. The temple will not absolve us from the challenges of mortality, but it will give us the knowledge, strength, vision, and ability to overcome them through the grace of God. His name is and will be upon us, arming us with power, glory, and angels to have charge over us and help us in our daily lives (see Doctrine & Covenants 109:22).

This power becomes ours through priesthood covenants and how, by virtue of them, we can become the elect, or chosen children of God

3. Power to become exalted.

Thus, if we will live faithful to the holy covenant patterns taught to us in the temple, one day we will receive the fulness of God’s priesthood, or all that He has. We will receive “thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions” (Doctrine & Covenants 132:19). Those thus exalted in the celestial kingdom will be “priests and kings [and priestesses and queens], who have received of his fulness . . . after the order of Melchizedek” (Doctrine & Covenants 76:56–57).

Importantly, this promise of exaltation is familial. There are no solo monarchs in heaven—no king without a queen, or vice versa. While salvation is individual, exaltation is matrimonial.7 One of the crowning doctrinal ideas of the Restoration is that women and men can become like God, but to do so they must “enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]” (Doctrine & Covenants 131:2).

While there are numerous factors that influence whether someone can have an eternal marriage in this life (many out of one’s own control), prophets have repeatedly taught that all who make and keep their covenants with God will have the promise of eternal life and exaltation afforded to them, including the blessings of eternal marriage and family.8 The purpose of mortality is not to form perfect families. None of us will have or experience that, as all families are fallen to some degree. The purpose of life is to know and become like Christ so one day we can form eternal families. The covenants we make in the endowment ceremony not only prepare us to one day become like our Heavenly Parents, but they prepare us to live in an eternal marriage covenant like they do. We cannot create eternal families without being humble, obedient, chaste, sacrificing, or being dedicated—first to God but also to each other. As the covenant of baptism prepares and points to the endowment, the endowment covenants prepare and point to an eternal marriage.9 And the eternal marriage covenant prepares and points us to progress toward exaltation.

With an eternal marriage, a couple can “pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. Then shall they be gods” (Doctrine & Covenants 132:19–20). These eternal blessings are promissory, secured upon us if we honor and keep our temple covenants.10 They have not yet taken effect, nor will they until they are “sealed unto [us] by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed” (Doctrine & Covenants 132:19).

Before your visit to the temple, read these chapters:

Moses Chapter 1 thru chapter 5

Laws and Covenants made during your endowment

During the Washington D.C. Temple open house, something interesting happened for the first time: cameras not owned by the Church were allowed to film inside. Elder David A. Bednar and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, and Elder D. Todd Christofferson and his wife, Sister Kathy Christofferson, gave CBS News correspondent Ed O’Keefe—and his camera crew—a tour of the temple. As the group walked across the entry bridge to go inside the temple, O’Keefe respectfully posed an interesting question to his tour guides:

“Are we walking into another realm?” he asked.

Without missing a beat, Elder Bednar replied, “Yes—symbolically. We’re leaving the world and entering a more heavenly place where we learn about God.”7

The temple provides the ideal setting to learn and to believe in spiritual things. When all the voices of life get too loud, the temple provides a space to go and believe and be closer to God.

 I now know the truth of this statement from President Nelson:

“[The Savior] is the One who wants you to experience fully His sacred ordinances. He wants you to comprehend your privileges, promises, and responsibilities. He wants you to have spiritual insights and awakenings you’ve never had before. This He desires for all temple patrons, no matter where they live.”9

I love this reminder that the Savior, more than anyone else, wants us to receive the blessings of the temple—the first time we enter and every time after that.

For Brenda

May you feel Heavenly Fathers love and  that he knows you personally, that he is happy
that you are on the path back to Him, may He fill you with all the blessings promised to you in the temple and in your Patriarcal blesssing. May your light shine so bright and your love  be an example to your family and friends so that they may also share what you have felt and so that they may also return to the Path back to our Heavenly Family.

I may not be with you that day but I will be at the temple that day thinking of you.

Con amor del bueno...osea eterno,


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Well, well, well what was found at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan Mexico?

 I love visiting the ruins in Mexico. Whether it's the Maya, Aztec, Olmec. Zapotecas or any other one of the dozens of ancient civilizations.  I've had the blessing of visiting over 13 archeological sites but the one i remember the most was my very first one in the late 80s Palenque Chiapas. 

Picture this...I remember walking a winding trail, bordered by dense vegetation and towering trees. We were the first to arrive on a Monday morning so there was very few people. The only noise we heard was that of birds singing, the rustling of branches and chattering of monkeys above.  Gradually the trail opens up and the first thing I see was the Majestic temple of "Pakal" (K'inich Janaab' Pakal) or as it's known as the Temple of Inscriptions. i suddenly start hearing a beating, in my mind it was drums being beat by Ch'ol people (Mayan descendants) I realize that it's actually my heart that is racing because of excitement. The sight was majestic, breathtaking. My eyes filled with tears of excitement. I knew this was my heritage, my culture but at the same time I was serving a mission for the LDS Church so this made me feel...I am here, the place where Christ (K'uk'ulkan) visited when he came to the Americas.

 This was one of the reasons i became a member of the church. I had been baptized a catholic, was an alter boy that helped with mass on Sundays. My mom later became a protestant pastor. So I knew religion but one question that always stayed in my mind was, Why did Christ not visit the Americas? There were many ancient civilizations, wouldn't He also visit these people? Yes they were portrayed as savages but they were still Gods children. When i spoke to the missionaries, they told me that indeed Christ had visited the Americas. This sparked a curiosity to know more about the church...about this Book of Mormon and even more about the ancient civilizations in Mexico.

After I converted to the LDS church

It felt as if I was stepping into another world. 

Teotihuacán o Teotihuacan se traduce como ''lugar donde los hombres se convierten en dioses”, “lugar donde se hicieron los dioses”; “ciudad de los dioses'' o también Teo uacan “Ciudad del sol” es el nombre que se da a la que fue una de las mayores ciudades prehispánicas de Mesoamérica.


Sunday, February 4, 2024

GOD of the Old Testament is Jesus (in the New Testament)


In the Old Testament God’s name was YHWH or JHVH (Yahweh or Jehova)

Written in the language of the Hebrews (called the Tetagrammaton) as seen below.


This word in the old testament was used over 6500 times.

When the translators in translating from Hebrew to other languages, they followed a Jewish practice of not saying or repeating the divine name YHWY/JHVH out of respect for its holiness. So instead the name was translated to LORD in capital letters.

Moses and God

When Jehova commanded Moses to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage

Moses asks…so who do I say sent me? Exodus 3:14

 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? awhat shall I say unto them?

14 And God said unto Moses, aI AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The aLord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my bname for ever, and cthis is my dmemorial unto all generations.

Abraham was the first Patriarch or the head of the covenant where all the lineages come from. 

He was the one that was ordered by GOD to sacrifice his only son Isaac but was stopped by an angel.
Abraham was received many blessings because of his obedience and was told that his descendants would be able to receive the same blessings that he was granted.

Back to who I AM is....

In the New testament,

John 8

56 Your father aAbraham brejoiced to csee my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, aBefore Abraham was, bI am.

59 Then took they up astones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so bpassed by.

Confirmed in modern revelations: 

Doctrine and Covenants 38

 Thus saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, the Great aI Am, Alpha and Omega, the bbeginning and the end, the csame which looked upon the dwide expanse of eternity, and all the seraphic ehosts of heaven, fbefore the world was gmade;

The same which aknoweth all things, for ball things are cpresent before mine eyes;

I am the same which aspake, and the world was made, and all things came by me.

GOD created us and this Earth

Isaiah 45:12

12 I have amade the earth, and bcreated man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their chost have I commanded.

John 1:3

aIn the bbeginning was the Word, and the cWord was with God, and the dWord was eGod.

The same was in the abeginning with God.

All things were amade by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Mosiah 3:8

And he shall be called aJesus bChrist, the cSon of God, the dFather of heaven and earth, the eCreator of all things from the beginning; and his fmother shall be called Mary.

Isaiah 33:22


22 For the Lord is our ajudge, the Lord is our blawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.

John 5:26-27

26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the aSon to have blife in himself;

27 And hath given him aauthority to execute bjudgment also, because he is the cSon of man.

34 And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to arest in the bparadise of God, until my cspirit and body shall again dreunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the eair, to meet you before the fpleasing bar of the great gJehovah, the Eternal hJudge of both quick and dead. Amen.

                                  Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the old testament

Zechariah 12:10

 10 And I will apour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of bgrace and of supplications: and they shall clook upon me whom they have dpierced, and they shall emourn for him, as one mourneth for his fonly son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

John 19:37

36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A abone of him shall not be broken.

37 And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they apierced.

Zechariah 9:9


¶ Rejoice greatly, O adaughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy bKing cometh unto thee: he is cjust, and having salvation; lowly, and driding upon an eass, and upon a fcolt the foal of an ass.

On the Sunday before His death, Jesus and His disciples walked the short distance from Bethany to Jerusalem. The Savior rode into the city on a donkey, which fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy that said the Messiah would enter Jerusalem that way. Many people, recognizing Jesus as their King, shouted “Hosanna!” and laid down palm leaves for the donkey to walk on.

Mathew 21:1-11


And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

Saying unto them, Go into the village aover against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,

Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy aKing cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.

And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,

aAnd brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.

And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.

And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, aHosanna to the Son of David: bBlessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

10 And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?

11 And the amultitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.

In conclusion

Jesus is the God and LORD of the old testament.

He is our creator, is the creator of this world, 

 He spoke to prophets in the old testament and gave them signs that he would come to this Earth. Once here he fulfilled the prophecies and promises that he made to them.

 He paid the price of our sins with His atonement by suffering every known pain and sin so that we can have the opportunity repent of our sins and receive forgiveness and not be lost and live an an eternal state of sin.  

 His crucifixion and resurrection was so that one day we can also have resurrected bodies, return to his presence and become Kings and Queens, Priests and Priestesses and become coparticipants in the expansion of his kingdom with our loved ones. 

He is our Brother, our Friend, our defender, our Savior our God.

For Brenda